The ticket is bought. I fly out from Newark Wednesday, 01/18/12. Arrive Gisborne 20/01/12. Land of the reversed dates, left side of the road, and clockwise toilet flushes. And summer, sunrise, and surfing.
Today's research is on computers---what should I bring, what get there, which service to use, which of their packages to get? Telecom looks to be the best service with lots of options, plus more people use it and in NZ you pay less if you call someone's cell who uses the same provider. Paying to call a cell locally? This takes me back 15 years or so.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Big day
Another successful trapeze experience this morning. Trapeze is rapidly becoming the new addiction. Lucky I'm leaving before it can bankrupt me!
...and speaking of leaving, this was waiting in the mail for me when I got home---
Yes, I am now official and immigrationally (is that a word?) approved to work and travel in and out of NZ for the next 2 1/2 years! Woo hoo, break open the champagne and buy that plane ticket!
Monday, December 26, 2011
You start by being hooked into a belt/harness and grabbing hold of the bar of the swing, which, by the way, is much heavier than it looks. And isn't sideways like the photo. Just tilt your head to the left.
Then, when they say 'hep', you jump off the platform, hopefully not dropping like a stone, but holding fast to the bar (at which time you pull all the muscles in your chest wall, back, and upper arms) you swing out
keep swinging
and through a series of clumsy (on my part) moves you eventually get into this position
and you trust that the guy who's been telling you what to do all along knows what he's talking about and will be there to catch you....
....and he is!
Talk about adrenaline---what a high! I've gone back once more and will try for another before heading out.
The best part of the experience was that I was completely incapable of thinking about everything else going on in my life right now---a welcome respite from the insanity.
Photos courtesy of Laura, fellow first timer and new friend---we did it!
Class courtesy of Beatrice---thanks again for the great birthday present!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Cracker Barrel lunch

Friday, December 23, 2011
Got the paperwork from Gisborne on Sunday, spent Monday running from hot yoga at 8:30 to trapeze at 10:45, quick bite and haircut downtown, then passport photos, copy around 50 pieces of paper, realize that I'm missing something, run home, get paper, go to Fed Ex and get it all sent out to embassy before they closed at 9pm. Which was such a relief, as I flew out on Tuesday to visit mom and dad in NC for the rest of the week.
Wednesday at mom & dad's I get a message from the embassy that I am STILL missing 2 important pieces of paperwork. One of them was easy enough to have sent in. I spent the next hour calling, emailing, and pleading with people to help me find the other and get it to this lovely man at the embassy within the next 24 hours. Because of course, the embassy is closed for 10 days over the holidays, will reopen on Jan 3rd at which time they'll have a ton of visa applications waiting. I know that the paperwork was faxed at the end of Wednesday, and can only hope they processed the visa yesterday or today.
When I know, you'll know.
Wednesday at mom & dad's I get a message from the embassy that I am STILL missing 2 important pieces of paperwork. One of them was easy enough to have sent in. I spent the next hour calling, emailing, and pleading with people to help me find the other and get it to this lovely man at the embassy within the next 24 hours. Because of course, the embassy is closed for 10 days over the holidays, will reopen on Jan 3rd at which time they'll have a ton of visa applications waiting. I know that the paperwork was faxed at the end of Wednesday, and can only hope they processed the visa yesterday or today.
When I know, you'll know.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
This has been a week of not hearing back. Not from HR department, midwifery director, and a close friend I haven't spoken with in a while. 3 strikes. I know they move slowly in NZ, clearly that's already been a challenge for me. I want to submit the work visa application. Can't do that until I have form INZ-1113 filled out by HR, which clearly is not yet done. Once that's in (overnight via Fed Ex with return overnight envelope included to the NZ embassy in DC with my actual passport), it takes around 10 business days for them to process it. Assuming, of course, there are no issues with the application. Which there shouldn't be, but I'm not buying that plane ticket until the visa is in my hands.
Not hearing back from a close friend is no big deal usually. I can be the same way, usually when I'm feeling down---sort of a self-perpetuating misery--I feel down, don't get back to people, they get annoyed/upset which validates my feeling bad about myself. Interesting, as it's one reason for the blog---I know quite well that I'll stink at keeping in touch by email, I'm not up for facebook or tweeting my life. I want to keep in touch with people without the pressure of individual responses, rewriting versions of the same email to 15 people, or doing a 'group' mailing to the whole list. I don't read those, wouldn't want to subject friends to one from me.
I meant this to be about my recent bread baking activity. It's soothing, and very satisfying, to make bread from scratch. I love Chef John. No-knead ciabatta bread.
Next up, my trapeze school experience. Hopefully with photos!
Not hearing back from a close friend is no big deal usually. I can be the same way, usually when I'm feeling down---sort of a self-perpetuating misery--I feel down, don't get back to people, they get annoyed/upset which validates my feeling bad about myself. Interesting, as it's one reason for the blog---I know quite well that I'll stink at keeping in touch by email, I'm not up for facebook or tweeting my life. I want to keep in touch with people without the pressure of individual responses, rewriting versions of the same email to 15 people, or doing a 'group' mailing to the whole list. I don't read those, wouldn't want to subject friends to one from me.
I meant this to be about my recent bread baking activity. It's soothing, and very satisfying, to make bread from scratch. I love Chef John. No-knead ciabatta bread.
Next up, my trapeze school experience. Hopefully with photos!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Went to the BCtr Holiday party today and saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in awhile. Danielle, Laurie, Sandy, Sylvie, Candice, Elizabeth, and loads more. It was great to see everyone. I realized I hadn't been back since I stopped working mid-September, 3 months ago---and although I missed the people, I didn't miss working there. Strange feeling. I'll go back once more to see Laurie, and leave it at that.
I left while they were doing secret santa, otherwise I'd stay and talk forever.
I left while they were doing secret santa, otherwise I'd stay and talk forever.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Whale Rider
Watched 'Whale Rider' last night. I saw it several years ago and liked it, wanted to watch again now for the NZ connection, history, and ocean fix. Turns out it was shot just up the road from Gisborne, probably a 20 minute drive or so away. I could be swimming there in 2 months.
Change that: I will be swimming there in 2 months.
Change that: I will be swimming there in 2 months.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
One step closer
Saw Dr D today and finally finished up the medical paperwork for work visa application! I highly recommend the Continuum Center for Health & Healing for your basic healthcare needs---it's well run, everyone who works there has a personality and treats you like a human being. I barely squeaked by on the vision test---still 20/20! The nurse who checked my height got 5'7 1/2" instead of 5'8"--which was a scary thought---have I shrunk an entire inch in the past year? That is serious osteoporosis! I checked at home by the stand next to a wall, mark with pencil, then get a measuring tape technique, and it puts me between 5'8--5'8 1/2". Shrinking was one thing---the change in BMI was a whole nother issue altogether.
Anyway, one more piece of the puzzle done. D, my subletter, is getting her paperwork together and will schedule Skype interview soon. Waiting to hear from Gisborne HR with her part of visa paperwork. NZ embassy in DC tells me it takes approx 10 business days to process work visa with no glitches so, if I can submit it next week, hopefully will get it done by 1st week of January. Very surreal. I need a good holiday movie.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
6 weeks and counting!
Where I'm at right now:
Waiting for
1 - appointment tomorrow with MD to finish up the medical exam forms for my work visa application
2 - human resources at Gisborne DHB re their paperwork for work visa application
3 - coop board to schedule interview with my subletter
To do
1 - get more passport photos taken for work visa application
2 - find simple sublet agreement form
3 - check with apple about trade in value imac for macbook air
4 - look into left side of the road driving lessons
1 - baked no knead bread (I love you, Chef John!) and made pizza dough
2 - payed bills
3 - semi-organized papers
Heading to
yoga, then dinner with K
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