One week to go. Things are moving forward, slowly---I've taken down the artwork, which makes the whole place look different---it's not mine anymore. Heard from the subletter, she arrives Sunday night at JFK. Today will be taking stuff down to storage, books to basement for neighbors to pick through, and clothing to Housing Works. Then dinner with D. Maybe go to milonga after, just to say goodbye and listen to the music again.
Yesterday was a bust for packing. But a good day for flying---as George Costanza would say, I left on a high note. Finally did the 'trick' they taught me the week before, the one I wasn't able to do at all in class last week, and even got 'caught' doing it at the end of class. It wasn't always pretty, but still a thrill---
You start by swinging out, then bring legs up and around into what I call Spiderman move, they call 'first position':
then when they call 'final', you take feet off the bar and go into a straddle
then when they call 'hep', you (supposedly) let go and whip around to reach for the catcher, or thin air, whichever happens to be waiting for you
thin air
It was a blast--I needed the adrenaline and the focus on anything that wasn't how much of a mess everything is and how freaked out my cat is.
Final photo---homage to Tom Cruise in MI 1.