Monday, October 29, 2012

Down to earth

It's spring here, which means longer days, warmer weather, and planting stuff.  I've never had the green thumb of the family--- here's hoping New Zealand's amazing weather and rich soil will help me along.  Things grow here without trying, and they overgrow even faster.  Steve says you do your gardening with a chainsaw.  No really--it's true.
My herb (as in Alpert and the Tijuana Brass) garden includes basil, basil, basil (as in Fawlty), chives, marjoram, rosemary, parsley (curly and flat), and mint---separately housed but close by so he doesn't get lonely.
Veggies I'm trying are: lettuce, peas, peppers (jalapeno, banana, and hot), tomatoes, cucumber, eggplant.  Did I mention the baby olive tree?  I've repotted her in hopes she'll produce more than 3 olives this year.  And flowers---not so many, as there are flowers growing wild everywhere already! I have 2 small tubs with portulaca and some other flower that I think is white.

All the kids are up on my porch for now, where I can keep an eye on them and water them when it's too dry.  The cucumber is being allotted a space in a nearby garden-ish area, it's possible the eggplant will move nearby too.

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